In cases of child abduction, terrorism, serial killers, plane crashes, because any one event is shocking, horrifying, and overwhelmingly covered by news media, extreme rare events are given the impression of being a significant threat. Fear and outrage don't care at all about facts or statistics or data, and once people have settled on a narrative, they will tend to find ways to hold onto it the same way someone who has picked a religion can rationalize away all contradictory evidence.
When the issue is polarizing, it becomes a matter of which of the people are
you: the good guys (us) or the bad guys (them)?
Plane crashes, while dramatic, don't have a clearly identifiable "bad
guy", and so aren't polarizing. They can cause fear, but not outrage.
Because we are social, we tend to focus disproportionately on things which some
other human does deliberately. We need a “bad guy” in order to
have strong feelings, and that bad guy has to be someone we can consider
If you subscribe to one political narrative, you see a tiny handful of
antifascists commit violence, and label the entire movement as terrorists.
If you subscribe to the opposite political narrative, a few individual examples
of police brutality is sufficient to condemn
the entire profession.
Black people also support the narrative because it makes them blameless
victims, and doesn't require any self reflection or correction within the
people support the narrative for basically the same reason: focusing on cops
takes all the attention away from the real root of the disparity: the
distribution of wealth, particularly between the lower and middle classes, (and
education, which is a consequence thereof) - and that the reason for that
disparity is overwhelmingly due to the personal choices made by individual
white middle class people – in other words, themselves.
Every white person who picks a neighborhood to live in based on getting their
kids into the best schools, every white person who pays for some or all of a
child's education including college, every white person who provides a down
payment for a house for an adult child, gives thousands or tens of thousands to help their
adult children get started, or leaves an inheritance of property, cash, or a business, and
every adult who accepts these privileges, is directly keeping the status quo
intact for another generation. Those transfers of wealth, whose whole
purpose is to give certain individuals a head start in life, are the primary
defining feature of “privilege”.
There is no level playing field as long as people who are born to parents who
have more get a head start. As long as every individual parent
rationalizes themselves as “just one individual”, not “rich”, and says “of
course, I just want what’s best for my child”, the wealth gap that started 400
years ago will continue to play out as is from generation to generation
But how much easier is it to go out and protest the police than
to say "my child is no more deserving than any other, so I'm not going
to give them any privilege other than a good upbringing"? How much
easier to make the “bad guy” someone you can compartmentalize as “other”, like
a cop or a politician, than to donate that college savings plan investment to a
public scholarship fund, or leave the house to charity in your will, to deliberately move
into the worst neighborhood and then become an active parent
at the bad school to help make it better?
It isn’t enough to talk about or be conscious of privilege. In order to
actually change anything, you have to actually give up that
is enough evidence, from history and from country comparisons, to say
conclusively that high relative crime and violence rates are due to exactly two
1) Wealth inequality within a society – it is not the
absolute levels of poverty that matters. Poor countries do not
necessarily have especially high crime rates. It is the level of inequality that
is the key factor. What this means is that no measure to address
“poverty” will actually help change things. The reality is that
problem is not poverty per say; it is disparity, which is to say, distribution. It’s easy
to point at the super rich and blame them for their greed (and of course that
is totally valid as well), but there are only a few billionaires; the middle
class collectively holds more wealth than the top 1%.
2) Cultural segregation (whether on lines of race,
religion, tribe, or other). People who can be defined by a particular
demographic, living concentrated together and separately from other people, with their own set of
cultural features, from language to collective self-identities. All forms
of cultural separation, for example the very concept of “cultural
appropriation”, is essentially saying two things: different people shouldn’t
mix, and people should be defined by their demographics. It’s the new
form of “separate but equal”.
Throughout history and throughout the world, the degree to which an
outsider group has overcome prejudice and poverty is directly
proportional to the degree it is willing and able to integrate, from the
Roma of Europe and Koreans in
Addressing these issues, the real roots of inequality, would require changes
that no one in this country, conservative or liberal, black or white, actually
wants to do.
It would require a complete end to all forms of inheritance, as well as significant financial, property, (including educational) gifts, within families,
with any significant transfer of wealth being taxed into insignificance.
It would require not just prohibiting enforced segregation, but mandatory integration.
That means of course an end to fighting against so called "gentrification" (which is already really a code word
for "integration"), nor even merely encouraging
gentrification, but requiring neighborhoods to
integrate, probably via a quota, affirmative action style, just like some
schools and workplaces once were.
”Separate but equal” is not a valid concept; it wasn’t during Jim Crow, and it
isn’t today.
Throughout history marriage has been the primary means of bringing together
rival communities. It would perhaps be going too far too start having
government arrange marriages, but a social campaign of shaming all monoracial
couples as consisting of probable racists and labeling same-race relationships
as borderline incestuous might go a long way…
Obviously all schools need to be fully integrated, with as
much bussing as necessary (although with mandatory neighborhood integration
much fewer buses will be necessary). Private schools eliminated, turned into
charter schools, or covered 100% with vouchers. Preschool made free and
mandatory, junior college made free, private tuition capped at public school
levels and scholarship grants that will cover advanced education available to
all - and parental support and gifts banned for those over 18 above a nominal
level, so that money does not factor into the quality of school anyone goes to.
This needs to apply not just the rich, or the top 1%, but to everyone, all the
time. A level playing field means every single person has an equal shot,
which means no one person has any advantage that they didn’t directly earn for
themselves. The playing field has to be actually level to have
equality, and giving up privilege isn't about protesting or gestures or
acknowledgement; it is about making actual, tangible, personal and financial
sacrifices, including letting go of the universal desire to ensure what's best
for your own child.
Whoever you are, and especially if your partner shares your race, your child shares your race.
Therefore, helping your own child get ahead, doing what's best for them, is an
inherently racist act.
It is tiny, and not deliberate, but it is still a racist act, and hundreds of
millions of those tiny individual acts are what results in the status quo
of racial inequality that has persisted for
half a century after explicit formalized racism became a crime.
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