I am not really sure exactly what to think or feel about the fact that within the span of a couple months I can be accused of being both a libertarian and a communist.
By different people, of course.
But on the same general topics, and with my stance staying consistent.
As far as I can tell, the reasoning goes something like this:
"This guy [me] doesn't agree with my viewpoint, therefor he must hold the views of those other people".
In discussions I am regularly told, after stating my beliefs and understandings, something along the lines of "I bet you think ___________, too".
Well, no, I told you exactly what I think.
That other part you just made up.
That is always a pretty good sign that the statements the other person is making aren't even really their own. They are things that person heard, and agreed with, and now they are repeating them. Possibly in their own words, but unoriginal none-the-less. It means they have subscribed to an ideology.
There is no "right" ideology. There is no good ideology. By very definition, one must accept an entire ideology as is, which intrinsically means not questioning anything. It is exactly like a religion: all of your beliefs are handed to you, externally.
It is anti-scientific, and it is intended to be.