Smart phone users spend an average of 131 mins per day on mobile communication. Thats out of only 480 minutes of discretionary time (not work or sleep) or about 1/3 of all free time. And that doesn't even include non-communication apps like games.
The average user checks FaceBook 14 times per day
75% of smart phone users sleep with it on and in the same room
25% have phone on and in reach 24hours a day
80% all but an hours or two
a quarter check while driving
almost a third check during meals with others
almost 2/3 check at least once an hour, even if it doesn't ring or vibrate
20% check their phone every 10 minutes
84% said that they could not go a single day without their cellphones
one in three would rather give up sex than go a week without their phones
A third admitted that being without their mobile for even short periods leaves them feeling anxious
Well... technically I do own an iPhone.
Its an "obsolete" iPhone 3, with no service. I got it in one of my dump runs. I use it 99% as a music player.
My actual cell phone (with service) folds in half. It is water and shock resistant. The battery lasts more than a week.
The plan is $12 per month.
I have never run out of minutes and only once in over a year run out of texts.
It has a camera, including video, a built in music player, and even a few games.
It can actually access the internet, and occasionally I check emails in the field if I need some information I forgot to write down at home, or if I'm just really really really bored.
I'm not a luddite - I have a Roku and a wireless home network and a harddrive-mp3-based-car-stereo and traffic-aware GPS, for example.
I just have no need to carry a tiny computer with me where ever I go.
I never really wanted one to begin with, but having watched what they do to people who own them made me decide I wouldn't accept even if I was offered both the phone and plan for free. Because before long I would be an addition to all the statistics above.
Basically, the smart phone is the opium of the 21st century.
Although I suppose a good drug addiction can cost a lot more than the $160 per month the average smart phone user pays, so I guess its a pretty good deal...