You don't have to feel that way
The second arrow has been a recurring theme in conversations with many people
for over a year at least.
You feel a certain way because of conditions or events in the external world,
perhaps out of your control.
For whatever reason, you feel you
shouldn't feel that way.
So then, in addition to feeling bad because of the real life problem, you also
feel bad for feeling bad.
It is ok to show weakness. It is ok to be sad. Sometimes anger is appropriate.
It can never be wrong to feel a certain way. You feel how you feel.
It can never be immoral to feel a certain way. Your feeling alone can not hurt
anyone else. It is only your behavior, actual actions and words, which can do
harm, and feeling a certain way never forces you to act out in a particular
Besides, from a purely practical stand-point, it is ineffective, in fact
usually counter-productive.
Say, for example, you make a resolution to work-out more. And then you don't
end up sticking with it. The real problem is the consequences to your physical
body. But in addition you feel bad about yourself for your lack of discipline.
Feeling bad about it doesn't make you more likely to actually do it. It just
makes you feel bad.
Nobody is perfect, yourself included, and it is best to recognize and accept
that fact. Never add insult to injury by measuring your self against imaginary
ideals, telling yourself you aren't good "enough".
On the other hand...